What is electrocardiogram?

An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), is a device that measures the heart’s electrical signals. This test is done to diagnose heart problems and check the health of your heart. For this purpose, some sensors are attached to the skin to detect the electrical signals that lead to a heartbeat.

An ECG or EKG doesn’t have any difference. ECG stands for electrocardiogram, while EKG is the German translation and spelling for it.

What are the physical exams provided at SNOHC

Why is an EKG done?

This non-invasive, painless diagnostic procedure helps the physician identify common heart problems. Your doctor will use this diagnostic method if you have the following symptoms:

  • Chest pain
  • Heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness or inability to exercise
  • Dizziness or confusion
  • lightheadedness


People who are at low risk and have no symptoms do not need this test. But people with a family history of heart disease should do this test in some cases, even if there are no symptoms.

Your doctor can use an electrocardiogram to diagnose the following problems:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Obstruction of the heart arteries leads to chest pain or a heart attack.
  • Diagnosis of a heart attack that has occurred in the past
  • Evaluate the treatment process (for example, when the patient uses a pacemaker)


Doctors obtain two categories of information by performing an ECG:

  • First, they realize how long it takes for electrical waves to travel through the heart. So they find out if the heart’s electrical activity is normal, slow, irregular, or fast.
  • Besides, they measure the amount of electrical activity to see if parts of the heart are enlarged or overworked.


What are the types of the test?

Depending on the symptoms and the heart problem suspected, you might go through a different EKG. There are three main types of EKG:

  • A resting EKG – while you lie down in a comfortable position, the test is carried out.
  • A stress or exercise EKG – while you use a treadmill or bike, the test will be carried out.
  • An ambulatory EKG – in order to monitor your heart for one or more days, the electrodes are attached to a small portable machine that’s worn at your waist.


What preparations should we have before the test?

The EKG does not require any prior preparation. But remember to inform your physician about the medications you are taking before doing an ECG. Because taking certain medications can affect the test result.

In addition, it is recommended that you consider the following:

  • Avoid using oily cream on your skin because it causes the electrodes not to be placed properly on the skin.
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing.


How is the ECG/ EKG test performed?

You may be asked to shave the parts of your body where the electrodes will be placed. About 12 electrodes or sensors are attached to your chest and limbs during the test. These sensors are connected to a monitor. The computer displays the information from the sensors in waves on a monitor or on paper. Breathe normally during the test. In addition, avoid moving and talking because it affects the test results.

After the test, you can also return to your daily activities.


How are EKG results interpreted?

Test results are usually prepared on the same day. If your test results are normal, you do not need to do any other tests. But if you have any abnormalities in your ECG, you may have to repeat this test. In some cases, you may need to have other tests, such as an echocardiogram.

The items to assess in your electrocardiogram include:

  • Heart rate: If your heart rate is difficult to determine or irregular, doing an ECG can be helpful. Therefore, your physician will be able to diagnose disorders such as bradycardia (low heart rate) or tachycardia (fast heart rate).
  • Heart rhythm: If there is an irregularity in the heart rhythm, the ECG detects it. Abnormalities in the heart’s electrical system or the use of certain medications can lead to these problems.
  • Heart attack: An ECG can help your doctor determine if a heart attack has occurred in the past or if a heart attack is occurring.
  • Oxygen and blood supply to the heart: Chest pain may occur if blood flow to the heart muscle decreases. The doctor uses ECG to detect such problems.
  • Examining the heart structure: ECG also helps to identify any problems in the heart structure. Enlargement of heart valves and walls or heart defects are among the structural problems.


EKG side effects

An ECG is a safe, painless, and quick test. While it is carried out, no electricity is put into your body. Like removing a sticking plaster, you may feel some slight discomfort when the electrodes are removed from your skin- some may feel a little rash where the electrodes were attached.

The test is performed under completely controlled conditions. You will be monitored carefully, and if you feel unwell or experience any symptoms, the test will be finished.


EKG test in Las Vegas

We covered all you need to learn about the electrocardiogram. Southern Nevada Occupational Health Center has performed occupational health services for +15 years in Las Vegas. This center provides various services, including electrocardiogram for employers and employees. For more information on other services performed at this center, see the list at the top of the page.


Frequently Asked Questions about ECG/EKG

What is electrocardiogram?

An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), is a device that measures the heart’s electrical signals. This test is done to diagnose heart problems and check heart health.

Can ECG detect heart attack?

Your doctor can use ECG to diagnose: Cardiac arrhythmias, Obstruction of the heart arteries, Diagnose a heart attack in the past, Evaluate the treatment process

Why is an EKG done?

An EKG (checks heart function), Auditory test, Chest X-ray, Pulmonary function tests, Hearing tests, Your doctor will use this diagnostic method if you have the following symptoms: Chest pain, Heartbeat, Shortness of breath, Weakness to exercise, Dizziness, lightheadedness

How is EKG/ECG performed?

12 electrodes are attached to your chest and limbs. These sensors are connected to a monitor. The computer displays the information from the sensors in waves.


  1. sami says:

    I did this test at your center last week. By reading this article, I better understand the need for testing. Thank you very much for preparing this article.

  2. donya says:

    This clinic has to be the best I’ve experienced yet. The staff makes you feel at home !! I recommend it to anyone and everyone.

  3. Bray-km says:

    How long does the EKG test take?

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