You are hard-working and spend most of your time at your office. You do your best to get promoted, but instead, you are experiencing extreme exhaustion. You keep yawning or are not in the mood of talking with your colleagues. You’re not alone, most employees are susceptible to fatigue risk at work, and it’s a common problem.

In this blog, we enumerate the causes and consequences of fatigue on employees and the effective steps to reduce it.


Are fatigue, exhaustion, and tiredness the same?

Fatigue is a chronic condition that you feel:

  • Intense anxiety
  • Low motivation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleepiness
  • Sensitivity to light

People who suffer from fatigue avoid the gatherings that they used to find enjoyable.

Exhaustion is known as the mood in which the person is confused, withdraws communication, and undergoes a lack of sleep.

Tiredness is a short-term condition in which the person feels forgetful and impatient despite a little remaining energy. They may experience muscular pain as well.


Who is more susceptible to fatigue risk?

In case you are used to working long hours, the risk of fatigue could be inevitable. The following groups are more prone to fatigue risk:

  • A shift worker
  • A night worker
  • Transferred in and out of your city during the day
  • On-call worker
  • Seasonal worker
  • Emergency service provider
  • Medical expert
  • A worker in height
  • Electrical worker

Signs of fatigue at work

If you are occupied with either of the mentioned jobs, you are highly vulnerable to fatigue risk. Signs of fatigue include:

  • Dropping heads,
  • Constant yawning
  • Closing eyelids
  • Bad mood
  • Severe headache
  • Muscular pain
  • Concentration problem
  • Unwillingness and demotivation
  • Making frequent errors
  • Body’s inability to fight the flu
  • Increment of accidents
  • Nodding off


Causes of fatigue

There are various causes of fatigue, including:

Medical causes

Medical conditions might be the cause of fatigue at work, including but not limited to:

  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Thyroid disorder

Lifestyle causes

  • Lack or too much sleep
  • Obesity
  • Regular use of alcohol
  • Too much caffeine
  • Low nutritious diet
  • No exercise
  • Medications like antidepressants

Mental causes

  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

One of the essential causes of fatigue is work-related issues.


What elements increase the fatigue risk at work?

The following factors could increase the fatigue risk at work.


Mental obsession

The mental obsession is one of the most effective elements in the increment of fatigue risk. Most chronic diseases come from mental issues since the body and mind have a close connection.

Researchers’ study indicates that nurses who break through fatigue experience loss of emotion regulation and tend to get accustomed to maladaptive strategies such as over-eating and over-drinking alcohol. In contrast, all the other workers keep the practical approach.


Continuous phone scrolling

Research shows that phones reduce the amount of concentration and devastate our sleep patterns. As we use phones more often, the benefits of productive sleep reduce, so the fatigue risk develops.


Food and sleep inefficiency

Avoid skipping out the meals. The brain needs nutrition to operate. The most effective meal is a breakfast filled with fiber. Try avoiding too much caffeine and sugar.

According to New Scientist, heavy food will pump blood from mind to stomach to digest food. Digestion gets your energy, and that’s the cause of the afternoon slump. A heavy meal could make you more tired and lead to fatigue.

Stay hydrated during the day. Not only will it boost the function of the brain, but also it keeps you healthier. You can keep a bottle of water on your desk in case you forget to drink water. It includes the times that you even do not feel thirsty.

Set alarms and take it seriously. Dehydration decreases the flow of blood into the brain. Caffeinated drinks will give you a pickup, but they will no longer work on you if used too much.


Environment condition

Try to change the environmental condition. Turn the air conditioner on or open the windows. Add more light and boost the wall coverage so that the sound outside will not bother you. You will be amazed by the alertness that these adjustments give you.


Too much work

Try not to accept excessive tasks if you are tired or it will take you much time. It is your right to refuse an extra job. You can feel comfortable and reject the request politely.

You can try asking for professional help, too, if you can’t get over with your work alone.


No free time

Research indicates that the workers who take rests, especially with movement, tend to have low fatigue risk. Meanwhile, rest enhances your productivity and precision. You can schedule some free time to drink a cup of coffee or chat with colleagues. Provide some time and nutrients to your brain, and you will get astonished by the result.


No organized work

Preparing a schedule will guide you through the way to do all your tasks entirely and on time. In contrast, lack of planning provokes confusion and stress, leading to fatigue in the long term.


Repetitive tasks

If you have to do a routine task, you could make some fun out of it. You can take breaks, listen to music or communicate with your colleague while working. Think how you can make it interesting, as James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, indicates.

Lack of communication will exhaust you and make the work environment unbearable.


No work-life balance

Try creating a good balance between work and life. If you have issues in your family life, live it behind the office door and concentrate on your work. The opposite is also true. It would be better if you took time to play with your children and chat with your spouse.

If you are exhausted, you can take a quick nap and spend time with your family. Don’t bring the tasks home, as you only need to do the work at your office.


Sedentary lifestyle

Moving your muscles and bones makes you more dynamic. You can take a short walk in your office or even hop on the stairs. Try to stretch your feet and hands to let out the tiredness. Stand up whenever you can. That would help you better posture if you fell off your proper posture while sitting on the chair. This way, you will avoid the humps and deformities on your back and neck.

Almost any exercise will help, but Yoga is the best for boosting the brain’s function. Doing tasks will make a routine, and you will unconsciously take a happy route towards health.


What are the consequences of fatigue at work?

The consequences of fatigue at work include but not limited to:

  • Less empathy and ethical behavior
  • Short and long term absence from work
  • Increased medical costs
  • Loss of productivity and
  • Distraction
  • Lack of motivation


Let’s sum up…

Fatigue risk could increase by your lifestyle and everyday choices. Work-related issues, health issues, obesity, stress, etc., could increase it. But you can decrease fatigue with a healthier lifestyle and smart strategist.

The article explained who is more prone to fatigue, its signs, the causes, and the items that increase it.

If you need help with occupational health, Southern Nevada Occupational Health Center is at your service in Las Vegas.  We provide a wide range of services, tests, and exams to ensure workplace safety. Give us a call at (702) 874-4769 or go through the website for further information.

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