What countries can you travel to after the COVID-19 vaccination?

What countries can you travel to after the COVID-19 vaccination

Millions of US citizens have received COVID-19 vaccines. They wonder if traveling abroad is possible after one year of isolation and quarantine. Most countries are open to US travelers. However, there are some rules and regulations you need to know. Also, the health officials recommend taking safety measures seriously.

Remember you need a COVID-19 test before leaving the US. Southern Nevada Occupational Health Centre provides the tests for you and has gathered this article to answer all of your questions about traveling.

Can you travel with COVID-19 vaccines?

The CDC and health officials state that vaccinated people can travel. However, they must be completely cautious. The other countries, such as Canada, are open to vaccine people. However, people need to be as careful as pre vaccination period. The chances are low for the vaccinated people to be infected or spread the COVID-19. Yet, there are still risks of getting infected and spreading the virus. There is still the risk of COVID-19 variants such as Delta.

Remember that the person who has received two doses of the verified vaccines is considered fully vaccinated after 14 days by the CDC. The brand of the vaccine is not of importance. The verified vaccines by the CDC are as follows:

  • Pfizer (two doses)
  • Moderna (two doses)
  • Johnson & Johnson (one dose)

The FDA has verified the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after a short pause. However, there have been some cases of rare adverse events called TTS. But the benefits of the vaccines are higher than this potential risk. So the CDC recommends it. The CDC also advised that women younger than 50 be aware of this adverse effect.

To travel abroad and to the country you want to visit, you need to provide documents of vaccination. The recorded card that the vaccination staff provides you is the one you need. Bear in mind that additional information might also be required. They permit you not to enter a quarantine plan and take tests.


Requirements to enter Canada

To enter Canada, the authorities have set the following eligibility principles according to IRCC (officials website of the Canadian government for travel and immigration):

  • Have no signs or symptoms of COVID-19
  • Vaccinated by the approved vaccines or a combination of the verified ones.
  • Fourteen days have passed after the date you wish to enter Canada.
  • Vaccination proof must be uploaded in ArriveCAN
  • Other requirements if you need by your conditions.


Negative test before the flights

The travel restrictions and rules for each country are different. But the necessary point is that everyone who is above two years old must provide a negative test for COVID-19 before getting on a plane in the US three days before the flight. In case the trip is delayed, or you missed the flight for longer than three days, you need to provide a new test.

If you have recovered from the COVID-19 in the last three months, you don’t need a test result.


Should you consider safety tips after vaccination?

Vaccination decreases the risk of getting infected with the COVID-19; however, the vaccinated people must still be careful. It becomes particularly important in public places when traveling.

The masks and filtration systems decrease the possibility of COVID-10 in planes, but the vaccinated people still can spread the virus. Practicing safety measures is still essential after vaccination when traveling according to the CDC:

  • Social distancing,
  • Hand-washing
  • Mask-wearing


Where can you travel after being fully vaccinated?

The restrictions and rules over traveling to a country are up to that country you are traveling to. You need to stay aware of the announcements from the EU or the US authorities over further advice and safety tips. The State Department website contains the necessary information about your destination. You should also consult with your physician and CDC guidelines.

The following countries are the ones you can travel to with the explained tips and precautions;


When you provide proof of vaccination, there is no need for quarantine and a test three days before entering the country.


Fully vaccinated people can travel, but since September 15, travelers 12 years old and older must:

  • Enter a ten-day quarantine
  • Pre-register the trip
  • Present a negative COVID test upon entering.

United Kingdom

The US citizens won’t need the quarantine and are able to skip the necessary test for a negative COVID-19 after being in the country for eight days. Yet, the US citizens must provide a negative test result within 72 hours of arriving in the UK.


The country is open to US-vaccinated people. The country requires an EU vaccination card from the residents to enter bars, bars, and other venues. The US vaccination card will suffice for the US residents. However, a test is necessary every three days.


You can visit Spain to be fully vaccinated. Testing is not required as well. The government requires proof of vaccination from September 6. To be able to enter Spain, you must receive a QR code from the online Spain Travel Health portal.

The Netherlands

Fully vaccinated US citizens can enter the Netherlands, but they need to enter 10-day quarantine. Since September 6, you need a negative COVID-19 test 24 hours before you leave the US.


Italy requires you to be fully vaccinated and take a test within 72 hours before traveling, and completing a passenger locator form is also mandatory.


You and your children can enter Ireland when fully vaccinated and don’t need a quarantine when arriving. However, the officials recommend asking for nonessential travel.


The US citizens and anyone traveling to the US in the last ten days need to be vaccinated to enter Germany. The authorities require a strong reason for traveling other than tourism.


Fully vaccinated people are guaranteed to enter France and have proof of it.


Vaccinated people with the approved vaccines of the CDC from all countries around the world can enter Finland. There is no need for quarantine or tests as well.


The other countries that welcome US citizens who are vaccinated are as follows:

Armenia Belize Cyprus Georgia Israel Mauritius
Aruba Bermuda Czech Republic Greece Latvia Montenegro
Austria Bonaire Denmark Grenada Lebanon Morocco
Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Dominica Guadeloupe Lithuania Nepal
Bahrain The British Virgin Islands Ecuador Guatemala Luxembourg Portugal
Barbados Chile El Salvador Guyana Malta Poland
Belarus Costa Rica Estonia Honduras Martinique Peru
Belgium Croatia French Polynesia Iceland Montenegro Panama


CDC provides a full list of the countries in terms of Risk Assessment levels for COVID-19. There are five levels within the map:

  • Level 4: Very High
  • Level 3: High
  • Level 2: Moderate
  • Level 1: Low

There are also some countries that have no information about the rate of infection.

If you didn’t find the country you wish to visit here, you could see the CDC’s full list here

The US Department of State also provides information and recommendations for each country you want to visit. Enter the website and type the name of the country you want to visit.


COVID-19 test for traveling abroad

As explained, you need a negative COVID-19 test result to leave the US. Southern Nevada Occupational Health Center provides the best test with results as soon as possible. You can have no worries that your test will be prepared on time so you can catch your flight.

SNOHC also provides other occupational health services in Las Vegas to the residents. Contact us at +702 874-4769 to arrange a test, receive a vaccination or benefit from other types of occupational services.

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